The Miracle of the Book of Mormon

Editorial comments and video transcription by Robert Rosskopf

The Book of Mormon must be studied to be truly appreciated for the miracle it is. It is not some experiment in free thinking, nor is it the work of a second rate novelist.

The text has

a) over 200 named characters

b) over 150 named locations

c) multiple migrations

d) distinct cultures

e) three calendar systems

f) an efficient system of weights and measures with important parallels in ancient Hebrew and Egyptian systems.

g) complex source texts

h) several geneologies

i) lineage histories

j) political histories

k) authentic legal cases

l) realistic battles

m) multiple literary genres

n) embedded flashbacks

o) brilliant doctrinal discourses

p) numerous fulfilled prophecies

q) over a thousand intertextual relationships

r) over a thousand Hebrew literary elements.

s) Over 600 geographic elements, all perfectly placed in relation to one another

t) a geneological list of 30 kings in Ether, and then a history for each of those kings in reverse order.

u) at least ten different sources texts, which were then abridged.

v) prophets who quote earlier prophets word for word

w) a flashback within a flashback in the book of Alma, yet they are skillfully woven together and return to the main story line.

x) a well developed plan of salvation that starts with a premortal existence and ends with the resurrection.

y) Hebrew chiastic verse sometimes taking up entire chapters. (See Alma, ch. 36)

z) at least 50 types of poetic, grammatical or literary Hebrewisms

The video from which this has been taken can be viewed at