Salvation for the Dead
(This article was written by Gary Fulkerson and reprinted by permission. Gary is a recent convert to the LDS church. This article was originally posted on November 21st, 2009 on

I did grow up in a native Christian church that did teach the common modern Christian theory that all men must “accept” Jesus before they died, otherwise they were consigned to a terrible fire-filled hell. The Christians in my native church were uncomfortable with this doctrine because of the inherent and obvious unfairness of punishing billions of individuals who died, NEVER HAVING HAD THE CHANCE to accept nor reject Jesus in this life (i.e. those who lived and died without hearing of
Jesus, the infant who died, the mentally infirm who died, etc.). Many of us did not truly believe what our pastors taught, but we had no specific or concrete alternative to offer. The Clear, specific and concrete LDS teaching that ALL are given sufficient chance for this knowledge and the accurate mechanism accomplishing this is, to me, another attraction to this LDS doctrine, which I believe mirrors the ancient doctrines on this specific subject.

The principle of apostasy and loss of prior knowledge and change of doctrine has always occurred. Moses laments that the Children of Israel “will abandon me and choose to follow the idols of the gentiles…they will worship the false gods…they will violate every sacred assembly and covenant Sabbath the very ones I am commanding them today to observe. (The Words of Moses 1Q22). This apostasy of doctrine applies to ordinances as well. For example, regarding baptism, Barnabas
observed: “concerning the water, it is written with reference to Israel that they would never accept the baptism that brings forgiveness of sins, but would create a substitute for themselves." (Bar 11:1) This same principle of Christian Apostasy which Green Kepi pointed out in Galatians 6, applied to ancient Christians as well as the Jews. The Christians today who no longer understand the original import and essence of Baptism, have simply repeated the same mistake as Israel made.

The Book of Mormon Prophet Mosiah teaches converts to Christ, regarding baptism:

“Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?” (Mosiah 18:10)

Baptism was taught to be of great importance; its underlying nature was that of a witness of a covenant; and the covenant was associated with a bestowal of the Spirit of the Holy Ghost in greater abundance. The pattern mirrors the ancient Christian pattern and refers to several ancient principles of import.

Baptism was important to Ancient Christianity:
Early Christianity taught that “Baptism is a great thing.” because if people receive it they will live” (The gospel of Phillip). In his vision of the church as a Tower built upon a lake of water, Hermas asks the angel, “Why is the tower built upon water, madam?”, the angel replies “it is because your life was saved and will be saved through water.” (Her 11:5) This descent into the water of Baptism, was associated with a great blessing and thus it was taught:

“ blessed are those who, having set their hope on the cross, descended into the water, because he speaks of the reward “in it’s season” (Bar 11:8).

Barnabas explained one meaning underlying this scriptural symbolism:

“By this he means that while we descend into the water laden with sins and dirt, we rise up bearing fruit in our heart and with fear and hope in Jesus in our spirits.” (Bar 11:11).

The increase in hope was connected to the promise and covenant within the ordinance. Because it was a covenant, it was offered only to those who were willing (and thus “worthy”) of making the covenant. Thus the officer of the guard, Annaias “being learned in the law, came to know our Lord Jesus Christ from the sacred scriptures, which I approached with faith” could claim he “Was accounted worthy of holy baptism”. (The Gospel of Nicodemus - Prologue)

In Ancient Christianity Baptism was a symbol of a covenant between God and men :
Just as a seal was a symbolic “Hallmark” or sign that authenticated, confirmed, or attested to a thing, Baptism was seen as a similar symbol :

“For before a man,” he said, “bears the name of the Son of God, he is dead, but when he receives the seal, he lays aside his deadness and receives life. The seal, therefore, is the water; so they go down into the water dead and they come up alive. Thus this seal was proclaimed to them as well, and they made use of it in order that they might enter the kingdom of God.” ( Her 93:34)

Though baptism was a physical ritual, the ritual was simply a symbol of a spiritual reality. The critical thing that was happening was invisible. The covenant itself was NOT the physical ordinance, but rather it was the internal commitment and changing of the heart of the person. The physical ordinance is merely a sign that a covenant was made. Though the physical ritual was imitated repeatedly by later counterfeits, the actual covenant that took place within the heart; the authority to perform the ordinance; and the associated internal conditions could not (and still cannot) BE imitated nor counterfeited. The commandments and the ordinances of the Lord were always
“written on the tablets of your hearts” (I Clement 2:8) and the Lord knows our hearts....
The LDS have correctly left baptism tied to the doctrine of Free Will. Whether living or dead, the covenant underlying the ordinance remains a personal choice that cannot be counterfeited. For example, regarding the one who refuses to enter the society of believers it was said:

“ceremonies of atonement cannot restore his innocence, neither cultic waters his purity. He cannot be sanctified by baptism… - for only through the spirit pervading God’s true society can there be atonement for a man’s ways…and so be joined to his truth by his Holy Spirit, purified from all iniquity…only thus can he really receive the purifying waters and be purged by the cleansing flow… - (CHARTER OF A JEWISH SECTARIAN ASSOCIATION 1QS, 4Q255-264a, 5Q11)

Annanias could say he was “accounted worthy” of baptism because there were qualifications to the authentic covenants he was willing to submit to. This is inherent in the ancient Christian teachings. For example, this Book of Mormon text gives the accurate promise WITH the authentic conditions

“... blessed are they who shall believe in your words because that ye shall testify that ye have seen me, and that ye know that I am. Yea, blessed are they who shall believe in your words, and come down into the depths of humility and be baptized, for they shall be visited with fire and with the Holy Ghost, and shall receive a remission of their sins." (2 Nephi 12:2)

In this ancient model, if there is no authentic belief; no humility (including repentance); no baptism; then no contract or covenant between God and man holds, regardless of a physical ritual having been imitated.

In the authentic covenant, one may claim: “And he shall wash my soul with a laving from the land, And he shall raise me on wings upwards to dwellings. And shall set me in the treasure-house of the Father, where no thieves shall loiter. (Govishn Ig Griv Zindag). However, the counterfeiters became willing to baptize those unfit and unwilling as though God could be fooled into giving the Gift of the Holy Ghost simply to those “made wet”. They did not commit to have faith, to become humble and
importantly, to repent of their sins before authentic baptism. The authentic promise was made : “in the truth of Your covenant…to cleanse oneself from uncleanness…and then he shall enter the water (A BAPTISMAL LITURGY 4Q414) The counterfeiters lacked faith, repentance and sincerity, yet still complain when they have no holy Ghost.

Anciently the counterfeit ordinances were noted and those involved were warned:

“If one goes down into the water and comes up without having received anything and says, “I am a Christian,” he has borrowed the name at interest. But if he receives the Holy spirit, he has the name as a gift. He who has received a gift does not have to give it back, but of him who has borrowed it at interest, payment is demanded". (The gospel of Phillip)

How many times have the atheists and others without faith in modern revelation from God claimed “I’ve prayed but received no answer.” and then conclude the principles themselves are at fault, never mind that they “unplugged the machine.” One simply cannot counterfeit the authentic covenant and commitment that God requires for the baptismal covenant to be in full force and, importantly, all must be taught concerning authentic covenants which will save them; all must have the opportunity to make covenants with God and all must be able to receive the blessings of having done so. It is unfair to punish anyone who had no chance to receive the Gospel (and thus avoid punishment).

In describing the “intermediate” world between mortality and Final Judgment Both writers and translators of various early texts use many words to refer to this place such as Sheol - Hades - Spirit World, Paradise, sometimes "Hell" is used. Occasionally, it is only the context that saves us from confusion. For example, the description that “paradise is in between the corruptible and the incorruptible.” (2En 8:5) indicates the ancient meaning for Paradise which moderns often forget.
This ancient usage of the word “Paradise” changes the meaning of Jesus’ promise to Dymas (the thief crucified beside Jesus) that “today shalt thou be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). It was not “heaven” Dymas was promised, but it was “paradise”, the place between corruptible mortality and incorruptible heaven.

Of mortals it was said, “ Either he will be in this world or in the resurrection or in the places in the middle.” (The gospel of Phillip)

All who leave mortality through death enter the place in the middle, i.e. Sheol, hades, spirit world, paradise, etc. The “complainer” Ezra complains regarding the end of his life : “Bewail me, all holy and just ones, because I have entered the bowl of Hades.” (Apoc of Ez 7:1) The glorified Jesus reminds Ezra that he had been there as well : “Hear, Ezra, my beloved one. I, being immortal, received a cross, I tasted vinegar and gall, I was set down in a grave. And I raised up my elect ones and I summoned up Adam from Hades (The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra 6:26 & 7:1-4). But more on this later.

In this ancient theology, all souls, including the Patriarchs, upon dying, have their spirits placed into this spirit world.

“do you not know that all those who (spring) from Adam and Eve die? And not one of the prophets escaped death and not one of those who reign has been immortal. Not one of the forefathers has escaped the mystery of death. All have died, all have departed into Hades, all have been gathered by the sickle of Death.”
(Testament of Abraham (recension A) 8:9; 7)

“ And Death said, “Hear, righteous Abraham, for seven ages I ravage the world and I lead everyone down into Hades – kings and rulers, rich and poor, slaves and free I send into the depth of Hades” (Testament of Abraham (rec A) 19:7)

“For Death deceived Abraham. And he kissed his hand and immediately his soul cleaved to the hand of Death....13...the undefiled voice of the God and Father came speaking thus : “Take, then my friend Abraham into Paradise, where there are the tents of my righteous ones and (where) the mansions of my old ones, Isaac and Jacob, are in his bosom... (Testament of Abraham (recension A) 20:9,13-15)

None of these references refer to the "Hell" that individuals may be sent to after the Judgment, but Hades was also a name for this "spirit world"; the "place in the middle". Another point of confusion regarding Hades is that the experience there is NOT the same for all individuals since individuals are divided according to their degree of righteousness. Thus the ancient texts describe it differently according to who is sent there (i.e the righteous vs. the unrighteous). The LDS (Mormon) scripture relates the same principle regarding this spirit world and speaks of these spirits who "mingled in the vast assembly and waited for their deliverance, For the dead had looked upon the long absence of their spirits from their bodies as a bondage." Thus it was often referred to as a "prison" of sorts.

In describing Sheol, Enoch is shown that it has separate “areas” for individuals to be “assigned to”. In his vision, Enoch asks the angel :

”For what reason is one separated from the other? And he replied and said unto me, “These three have been made in order that the spirits of the dead might be separated. And in the manner in which the souls of the righteous are separated (by) this spring of water with light upon it, in like manner the sinners are set apart when they die and are buried in the earth and judgment has not been executed upon them in their lifetime,... until the great day of judgment...They will bind them there forever–even from the beginning of the world... Such has been made for the souls of the people who are not righteous, but sinners and perfect criminals; they shall be together with (other) criminals who are like them.” (1Enoch 22:9-13)

Since the righteous are with the righteous, they seem to adapt to a calm existence, the unrighteous, being grouped with others of their type and having increased awareness of the result of their moral choices become unhappy in their regrets and distress. And, Sheol itself also had a “middle place” according to this ancient model.
In Abraham’s description of Hades, he asks the angel : “Is one who is unable to enter through the strait gate unable to enter into life?...4 And Michael will enter through it unhindered, as will all those who are like you.”...8And when they went, they found an angel holding in his hand one soul of a woman from among the six myriads, because he found (her) sins evenly balanced with all her works, and they were neither in distress nor at rest, but in an intermediate place..
(Testament of Abraham (recension B) 9:1-10)

In this early doctrine, Hades was not simply a place where souls “sleep”, but they are cognizant and communicate and still have free will. Those spirits who had no idea nor concept of God’s plan for them are still allowed to learn and make moral choices just as those who had the gospel given to them while in mortality. They may make the same moral progress as any other individuals. For example, Enoch describes his vision of Hades/Sheol, teaching that there are those there who teach
moral law:

“Come and I will show you where the souls of the wicked stand, and where the souls of the intermediate stand;... He said to me: The souls of the wicked are brought down to sheol....Samki’el is in charge of the souls of the intermediate, to support them and purify them from sin, through the abundant mercies of the Omnipresent One. “ (3en 44:1-3)

It is not merely Samki’el who teaches, but the spirit of men communicate and teach one another as I’ll point out later in the discussion of Christian texts of Christ’s descension into Sheol (hades, hell, paradise, etc, etc). However, the early Christian Saints also understood (as the Latter Day Saints claim), that the spirits of individuals in Sheol (hades, paradise, etc) still possessed intelligent free will and could also accept the blessings of the Gospel as far as they were able. Being “bodiless”,
these individuals could not be baptized, though they could make the change of heart associated with faith, humility, repentance, etc. From the testimony of the two sons of Symeon, we know that individual believers in the spirit world were teachers of others, just as those with bodies teach and testify of the gospel to others.

Whether moral progress occurs to the spirit before mortality, or during mortality or after mortality, still, changes may occur as long as God allows the individual to choose. The ancient saying in this context of moral change occurring in men is that “God is a dyer. As the good dyes, which are called “true,” dissolve with the things dyed in them, so it is with those whom God has dyed. Since his dyes are immortal, they are immortal by means of his colors. Now God dips what he dips in water." (The gospel of Phillip) It is important to know that these bodiless individuals cannot be “dipped in water”. If they are to receive this covenant as mortal men are able, there must be a mechanism for the bodiless to do so.

The descent of Christ into “the place in between” after his death

Just as the doctrine of Sheol or Hades is mirrored by modern LDS doctrines, the descent of Christ into this spirit world after his death is described in multiple ancient accounts.

One is The Gospel of Bartholomew. In this account, the Apostle Bartholomew asks the risen Jesus :
“Lord, when you went to be hanged on the cross, I followed you at a distance and saw how you were hanged on the cross and how the angels descended from heaven and worshiped you. And when darkness came, I looked and saw that you had vanished from the cross; only I heard your voice in the underworld,..Tell me, Lord, where you went from the cross.”

In this Christian account, Jesus summarizes his descent into Hades saying :

"I went to the underworld to bring up Adam and all the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.... When I descended with my angels to the underworld ,in order to dash in pieces the iron bars and shatter the portals of the underworld”... “ I shattered the iron bars....And I brought out all the patriarchs and came again to the cross.... “I was hanged upon the cross for your sake and for the sake of your children.” (The Gospel of Bartholomew, chapter one)

The early Christian Gospel of Nicodemus, text contains multiple testimonies of the living Jesus after his resurrection AND descriptions of Jesus actions in Hades when he visited the “spirits imprisoned” there. Joseph (of Arimathea) observes to those discussing Jesus resurrection :

“Why then do you marvel at the resurrection of Jesus? It is not this that is marvelous, but rather that he was not raised alone, but raised up many other dead men who appeared to many in Jerusalem. And if you do not know the others, yet Symeon, who took Jesus in his arms, [Luke 2:34] and his two sons, whom he raised up, you do know. For we buried them a little while ago. And now their sepulchers are to be seen opened and empty, but they themselves are alive and dwelling in Arimathaea”...Joseph said: “Let us go to Arimathaea and
find them.” Then arose the chief priests Annas and Caiaphas, and Joseph and Nicodemus and Gamaliel and others with them, and went to Arimathaea and found the men of whom Joseph spoke.” (Gospel of Nicodemus, Chapter one)

These men then speak with the resurrected sons of Symeon (who were not Christians and were not baptized while they were alive). These two had died, and gone to the world of Spirits, converted to Christianity while in the spirit world, and had then been resurrected with many others at the resurrection of Christ and who were walking among and teaching others regarding Jesus. The brothers described what happened in this Spirit world (sheol, hades, etc).

“We, then were in Hades with all who have died since the beginning of the world. And at the hour of midnight there rose upon the darkness there something like the light of the sun and shone, and light fell upon us all, and we saw one another, and immediately our father, Abraham, along with the patriarchs and the prophets, was filled the joy, and they said to one another: “This shining comes from a great light.” The prophet Isaiah, who was present there, said : “This shining comes from the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This I prophesied when I was still living: The land of Zabulon and the
land of Nephthalim, the people that sit in
darkness saw a great light.” Then there came into the midst another, an anchorite from the wilderness. The patriarchs asked him: “Who are you?” He replied: “I am John, the last of the prophets, who made straight the ways of the Son of God, and preached repentance to the people for the forgiveness of sins.....And for this reason he sent me to you, to preach that the only begotten Son of God comes here, in order that whoever believes in him should be saved,....Therefore I say to you all: When you see him, all of you worship him. For now only have you opportunity for repentance because you worshiped idols in the vain world above and sinned. At another time it is impossible” (Gospel of Nicodemus, Chapter two)

I might make the point here that it is not only John the Baptist’s spirit who is teaching the gospel, but the spirits of the other Patriarchs among the spirits of men are teaching the gospel and many other spirits are also “called to testify” and teach gospel truths to the others in the spirit world. The story continues:

“Now when John was thus teaching those who were in Hades, the first-created, the first father Adam heard, and said to his son Seth: My son, I wish you to tell the forefathers of the race of men and the prophets where I sent you when I fell into mortal sickness.”

Seth then teaches the others regarding the "oil of mercy" that Adam requested and that Seth was told “go and tell your father that after the completion of fifty-five hundred years from the creation of the world, the only-begotten son of God shall become man and shall descend below the earth. And he shall anoint him with that oil. And he shall arise and wash him and his descendants with water
and the Holy spirit. And then he shall be healed of every disease....When the patriarchs and prophets heard this, they rejoiced greatly.” This same message was not merely for Patriarchs and Prophets, but for all souls there who would listen.

In chapter four, Satan adjures Hades to prevent Jesus from coming if it is possible, “For I believe that he comes here to raise all the dead”....” and while Satan and Hades were speaking thus to one another, a loud voice like thunder sounded: “Lift up your gates, O rulers, and be lifted up, O everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in”...David said: “Do you not know, blind one, that when I lived in the world, I prophesied that word: ‘Lift up your gates, O rulers?’” (Ps 23:7).
Isaiah said: “I foresaw this by the Holy Spirit and wrote: ‘The dead shall arise, and those who are in the tombs shall be raised up, and those who are under the earth shall rejoice (ps 26:19) O death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory.’” .....the gates of brass were broken in pieces and the bars of iron were crushed and all the dead who were bound were loosed from their chains, and we with them. And the King of glory entered in like a man, and all the dark places of Hades were illumined.”.

The sons of Symeon continue to relate that :

Ch VIII ...the King of glory stretched out his right hand, and took hold of our forefather Adam and raised him up. Then he turned also to the rest and said: “Come with me, all you who have suffered death through the tree which this man touched. For behold, I raise you all up again through the tree of the cross. With that he put them all out. “

Importantly, the sons of Symeon testify:

“All this we saw and heard, we two brothers who also were sent by Michael the archangel and were appointed to preach the resurrection of the Lord, but first to go to the Jordan and be baptized. There also we went and were baptized with other dead who had risen again. Then we went to Jerusalem also and celebrated the passover of the resurrection. But now we depart, since we cannot remain here. And the love of God the Father and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all [2 Cor. 13;14].” (The Gospel of Nicodemus- Christ’s descent into hell chapter XI)

Even Symeon’s sons were authorized by Michael and sent to teach of the resurrection of Jesus. However first, they were appointed by Michael to “first to go to the Jordan and be baptized.” “There also we went and were baptized with other dead who had risen again.” The ancient Christian pattern was that baptism was required of all who could do it and there was a reason the covenant was given before teaching or testifying. I do not think even one of a thousand LDS have ever read these early Christian histories, yet they understand exactly what is happening and why these dead who were resurrected were sent to be baptized first before anything else. I’ve never seen another group that “speak” the ancient doctrinal language like the LDS. (How many others even know or understand this stuff?)

There are other ancient Christian texts that also describe the ancient Christian faith in relation to their dead in this spirit world. For example, the ancient text from the diary of a Christian woman Perpetua (The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity) is the story of a new convert to Christianity. The specific doctrines that this new convert was taught and believed in are quite poignant and, impressively, they continue to mirror the LDS doctrine that the dead may receive the gospel knowledge.

First, Perpetua relates:

“my father, furious at the word ‘Christian,’ threw himself upon me as though to pluck out my eyes but he was satisfied with annoying me;...Then I thanked the Lord for being parted for a few days from my father, and was refreshed by his absence. During those few days we were baptized, and the Holy Spirit bade me make no other petition after the holy water save for bodily endurance. A few days after we were lodged in prison; and I was in great fear, because I had never known such darkness. What a day of horror! Terrible heat, thanks to the crowds! Rough handling by the soldiers! To crown all I was tormented there by anxiety for my baby. (The Passion of Perpetual and Felicity, chapter three)

Perpetua, who understood the ancient doctrine that all saints were to receive revelation for themselves is asked by her brother to ask God whether they might expect deliverance or ultimately be martyred.

“Then my brother said to me: ‘Lady sister, you are now in great honor, so great indeed that you may well pray for a vision and may well be shown whether suffering or release be in store for you.’ And I who knew myself to have speech of the Lord, for whose sake I had gone through so much, gave confident promise in return, saying : ‘Tomorrow I will bring you word.’

Perpetua understands that she may ask God for revelation in a prayer and has every confidence that her prayer will be answered. She then made her request of God, and received a vision that confirmed they would be martyred and “ once I told my brother, and we understood that we must suffer, and henceforward began to have no hope in this world.”

Perpetua understood also that she could make specific and limited requests for those who were dead in the same way that she could ask for specific and limited requests for the living. Perpetua had another Brother Dinocrates who had died as a child, untaught and unbaptized and, who, she understood to be in the spirit world with all others who had died. Perpetua relates:

“After a few days, while we were all praying, suddenly in the middle of the prayer I spoke, and uttered the name of Dinocrates...And I saw at once that I was entitled, and ought, to make request for him. And I began to pray much for him...At once on this very night this was shown me. I saw Dinocrates coming forth from a dark place, where there were many other dark places...and the wound which he had when he died was in his face still.... “For him then I had prayed; and there was a great gulf between me and him, so that neither of us
could approach the other. There was besides in the very place where dinocrates was a font full of water, the rim of which was above the head of the child; and Dinocrates stood on tiptoe to drink. I grieved that the font should have water in it and that nevertheless he could not drink because of the height of the rim. And I woke and recognized that my brother was in trouble. But I trusted that I could relieve his trouble, and I prayed for him every day until we were transferred to the garrison prison, for we were to fight with the beasts at the
garrison games on the Caesar Geta’s birthday.

It is obvious that Perpetua could see both that Dinocrates’ ability to access salvific principles was limited, she “saw at once that I (she) was entitled, and ought to make request for him.”. He was thirsty, but could not drink of the living water. After making a completely appropriate request for Dinocrates to receive the Gospel she relates in Ch VIII that

“During the daytime, while we stayed in the stocks, this was shown me. I was that same place which I had seen before, and Dinocrates clean in body, well-clothes and refreshed; and where there had been a wound, I saw a scar; and the font which I had seen before had its rim lowered to the child’s waist; and there poured water from it unceasingly; and on the rim a golden bowl full of water. And Dinocrates came forward and began to drink from it, and the bowl failed not. And when he had drunk enough of the water, be came forward being glad to play as children will. And I awoke. Then I knew that he had been released from punishment.”

Dinocrates was given the chance to drink of living water of gospel knowledge to the extent he desired. Though Dinocrates never fully accessed the font of water, he did access the part of this living water he could access by virtue of the golden bowl of water. Had he been resurrected with Jesus as the brothers of Symeon had, he might have been sent to the Jordan (or to a real and physical font) to have been baptized in the same manner the other resurrected dead were sent to be baptized at the earliest opportunity. Just as Dinocrates had been given gospel truths in the spirit world, the gospel must be preached to all others who did not have it in this life. This was the ancient Christian Doctrine. The Apostle Peter also understood what Perpetua understood. Thus he said "For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. (1 Peter 4:6)

If I understand it correctly, the LDS are not only providing water from the font, but are offering the entire font to those who, like Dinocrates, did not have the chance to hear or understand or accept the gospel during their lifetimes. Those who have refused the gospel despite understanding the implications, are not offered multiple chances (as John had warned those in the spirit world).

The LDS missionaries who quoted 1 Corinthians 15:29 to me : “Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?” understand that the scripture needs no clever re-interpretation to make sense. They were able to make sense of it just as it stands. I continue to be amazed at the LDS connection to ancient Christian Doctrines. While some are dismissive of these ancient doctrines which the LDS teach, I am becoming increasingly grateful that the LDS are trying to restore this ancient doctrine and it’s benefits to a Christian world who currently teaches that there is no hope for the dead who’ve not heard of Jesus.